Do you like/want to...
Sing music from a plethora of genres?
Form tight-knit relationships and make life-lasting memories?
Travel to paid gigs and perform for large audiences?
Have opportunities to lead?*
*whether through financial/operational/production/social media management or arranging/directing
Not pay dues?*
*we are self-sufficient on our performance income and do not require semester dues or fundraising
Sell lots and lots and lots of tickets?*
*we sold 900 tickets for our Spring 2024 show (the most of any UW a cappella group's spring semester concerts)
Wear red?
If interested in auditioning, please fill out the form below!
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to join our group and become a part of our success story. Audition now and take your first step towards a future filled with unique performing opportunities, leadership experience, and unforgettable memories.
Please come prepared with a verse and a chorus of a song that showcases your voice!*
*preferably not musical theatre
We will also check your vocal range to determine the voice part that suits your voice!